"Now you know! Ascension Gotta Be Guaranteed"
-Brain~Thought Shout Out of WHOOP WHOOP-

New age spiritual movement. Heard of it? A couple of keywords that may trigger ya CogNeesh.
- Guru Advice
- Wake up... Awaken
- Third Eye-Pineal Gland
- Your Truth
- Organic Health
- Ascension
Now, mix this up with a bitt-uh genre of rap and what-uh ya get?
To put it bluntly humble;
My Answer: The evolution of independent Rap artist's to the point of soul. Yes, A BIG ol' Hellz Nah to Signed-Soul-Contracts.
Upcoming & Independent, YouTube'N rappers who're artistically lyrical gaining huge followings are killin it hard by heart of passion.
It's because they are keeping it humble & real. Real humble personal raps mixed in a bowl of truth. Their truths.
In turn, it gives off mass resonance appeal.
To name a few examples of upcoming YouTube artists (on various other platforms too) I have come across thus far...
And there are numerous others!
If you have yet to catch on, the industry poses a sick threat to upcoming artists who are willing to sign no matter the cost.
I will go into detail on another post detailing the overwhelming & disturbing evidence, but for now, I found it to be an interesting topic being that the trend is still in a trimester period. Just waiting to be birthed.
I can feel it getting ready to explode!
(hmm not sure if explode and birth paint the best duo but an abstract indeed)
I can feel its birth coming right around the corner and what a birth it will be! Ya know...
It may already be in its infantry. Hmm
Why do I bring this up though? Like, what's the underlying truth of my internal thought opinion?
I'll go deeper without trying to make it circled around ego.
I have asked others who claim to feel the same way. Instinctively, I feel that they truly felt in tandem with my responded opinion.
I asked them if it was just me or does this era, 2013-2019 to be exact, feel like CHAOS? (!!!)
About to find the words. I want to give you a worded description behind this feeling I have about the current era of CHAOS.
- Unbalanced
- Tech Evolution~>Data Overload~> Social Awkardness~> Loniless~> BackFire & Round of Applause to the "Cabal" ~> Searching for Truth♬Resonance𝅘𝅥𝅱Bombs to I know I am searching for a higher spiritual meaning of my own damn truths.
- Loneliness
- Optimistical Depression
- EMF Sabotage
- Internal Calling for SoulFunds Path Realignment
Makes the mind wonder...
What if it's becoming an individual phenomenon on a scale of the masses?
I see
Evolutionizing; fear to a presumptuous FU we will prevail.
It's a New Age rap era
The Rise of Passionate Truth-Bombers
In its basic spiritual sense, Ascension can be thought of as the highest state of humanity in terms of conscious awareness & spiritual evolution. By Dreamcatcher. It is the expansion of the minds perception and a clear understanding of being one with the creator. A oneness with the universe.
A Thought-Share by Nichole at #SoulFunds