Thursday, May 2, 2019

WoWzeRz! Deeply a Dark Design

Music Industry

A Low Vibrational Conjured Reality

My own reality with researching over and over and over and over again! I have been trying to find a good insider/artist who has beautiful insight in a not so beautiful world we term the music industry.

I could never find a great video detailing the music industry and its true reality. Over a period of a year doing periodic searches, I could never find anything worth sharing or listening to. I knew their had to be a good source somewhere! But of course it's not going to pop up on the top search results. 

By a random pop up, which seems to be a spiritual law of synchronicity, I finally found a great source. Musician Frank Castle of HEISTCLICK has got some great information...


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

shielding from negative energy

Finally! Energetic, Shields, & Blockages

a technique to shield for negative energy